Has a personality inventory, career inventory, and cluster finder to help you discover the right career. Also has many videos about various careers!
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
Search career information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can narrow responses by education, pay, job growth, etc.
Texas Genuine
Explore CTE (Career and Technical Education) career fields and the college programs in Texas that lead to them. You can search by college, CTE programs, or jobs/careers.
Texas Workforce Commission
Explore careers and openings in Texas. You can also compare your skills to careers.
Reality Check
Find out how much money you will need to make to have the lifestyle you'd like. Find careers based on your salary needs.
My Next Move
Search for careers by keyword or by industry or take a quiz to find careers based on your interests.
Workforce Solutions Career Planning
Learn about local job growth projections, education requirements, and salary expectations in the Austin area.
Hot Jobs
List of targeted high-demand, high-growth career opportunities in the Greater Austin Area.
Occupation and industry information, job searches, salary information, interview skills, etc. Can search career information for different states.
Stay Ready Professional
The free part of the website has career videos in the Education, Business, Medical, and Technology fields. Videos show a person in that career talking about their work, including a typical day and the challenges/rewards of the position
Example resumes and cover letters for a variety of jobs.
Has a personality inventory, career inventory, and cluster finder to help you discover the right career. Also has many videos about various careers!
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
Search career information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can narrow responses by education, pay, job growth, etc.
Texas Genuine
Explore CTE (Career and Technical Education) career fields and the college programs in Texas that lead to them. You can search by college, CTE programs, or jobs/careers.
Texas Workforce Commission
Explore careers and openings in Texas. You can also compare your skills to careers.
Reality Check
Find out how much money you will need to make to have the lifestyle you'd like. Find careers based on your salary needs.
My Next Move
Search for careers by keyword or by industry or take a quiz to find careers based on your interests.
Workforce Solutions Career Planning
Learn about local job growth projections, education requirements, and salary expectations in the Austin area.
Hot Jobs
List of targeted high-demand, high-growth career opportunities in the Greater Austin Area.
Occupation and industry information, job searches, salary information, interview skills, etc. Can search career information for different states.
Stay Ready Professional
The free part of the website has career videos in the Education, Business, Medical, and Technology fields. Videos show a person in that career talking about their work, including a typical day and the challenges/rewards of the position
Example resumes and cover letters for a variety of jobs.